Turn Table

Consumption of foods as fresh as the first day is extremely important for health. It should be both tasty and high in nutritional value. The shelf life of foods packaged under appropriate conditions is also long. In this way, it is consumed without any deterioration or change in taste and odor.

Technologically powerful packaging and filling machines are made of stainless steel, as they are in direct contact with the product. In this way, there is no health violation and the packaging process of the products continues. Packaging and filling machines, which are maintained quickly and practically, are made more functional with various accessories. As the name suggests, the turn table is the accessory in which the packaged product is collected after the take away conveyor. The take away conveyor prevents the packaged products from falling to the floor after the turn table. If needed, adjustments can be made to the height of the turn table. In this way, the product can be used more easily. The performance of the machines is increased by making use of auxiliary accessories such as the turn table. It is an accessory that helps to pack more products in a short time. In doing so, it saves time and plays an important role in minimizing manpower. Packaging and filling machines already have very strong technological features. In addition to these features, these machines, which are supported with accessories, ensure that products are packaged quickly and at the same time, they continue to do this meticulously. Foods can be consumed as fresh as the first day after the filling process, which is made in accordance with health conditions. Packaging and filling machines are technologically extremely powerful.

Our Company which founded in 2011 with its experiences in machine production and automation sectors is enhancing with safe steps in the way to be one of the leader engineering company.